Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Vegan Crepes (or food storage), Food Storage Pancakes

I haven't had to have as many "food storage" meals this month as I'd thought would be necessary. Part of that is because I've been "cleaning" my freezers by using up all the meals that I've had stashed away in there. I like to make a fresh batch of freezer meals before school starts so I need the extra room. This has also given me more time to work on things like the quilt I'm making for my bed and all my other projects without having to worry too much about dinner. I have had some food storage-type meals though.. mostly breakfasts. Here are some of the recipes:
Vegan Crepes

1 1/4 c. rice milk *
3/4 c. flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp oil
1/4 tsp almond extract
1 Tbsp sugar

Combine sugar, flour cornstarch and salt in a medium mixing bowl. Add rice milk and mix until smooth.  Add oil and extract. Whisk vigorously until smooth. Drop by 1/4 cup into pre-heated hot pans. With the back of your spoon, spread batter around until very thin in the pan.
Cook each crepe about 10 seconds. Flip and cook an additional 5-10 seconds. Repeat. Serve warm with fresh fruit or syrup rolled into the center of each crepe.

*A note about milk in your food storage:
I like to keep rice milk in my food storage since it is shelf stable and good tasting (to me at least!). But you can use UHT milk (ultra high temperature) or evaporated milk as well. Or of course you can reconstitute some powdered milk and use that. My family can't stand the thought of drinking powdered milk so we buy a combination of UHT and rice milk for our food storage. The rice milk is for myself and my 3-year-old who has milk allergies and the UHT is for the rest of the family. The best price I've found for rice milk is at Costco where we buy it by the case for around $15/case. It's still about $5 per gallon though so it really comes in handy knowing how to make rice milk yourself.. which is ridiculously cheap. The UHT we usually get at Gossner's Dairy in Logan. It is usually about $3 per gallon and it actually tastes like milk so it's a great alternative to powdered.
 I do keep plenty of powdered milk in my food storage as well, though. It's great for baking and for my make-ahead mixes that I use so often. Not to mention it lasts a long time when kept correctly.

Food Storage Pancakes

1 cup flour
1 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
3 Tbsp dry powdered milk*
3/4 cup water
2 Tbsp oil
for the egg:
 1 tsp unflavored gelatin (like knox)
 3 Tbsp cold water
 2 Tbsp plus 1 tsp hot water

Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. In a seperate smaller bowl make your "egg" by combining gelatin with cold water until dissolved. Add hot water, stir. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients. Add oil, water and "egg". Stir until dry ingredients are moistened (about 30 seconds). Drop 1/4 cup at a time onto pre-heated griddle (med-high or about 375 F). Allow to cook until batter is bubbly and edges dry out. Flip and cook an additional 15-30 seconds until golden brown.
*to make this recipe vegan, omit the powdered milk and water and replace with 3/4 cup rice milk.

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