Thursday, September 9, 2010

Deciding on A Grocery Budget: Step Four

Once the recipe pricing is finished, you can easily put it all together into a menu that will fit your budget. If you need to buy extras one month (like this month's caselot sale) plan for more green meals. It's worth it to be able to stock up on sale prices. Just be sure that you are actually getting a good deal. Just because something comes in bulk doesn't necessarily mean that it's a deal.

Below is our menu for this month. Notice how cheap some of these meals are? That is because of all the planned leftovers and my awesome garden! I'm glad things will be cheap this month because I plan on spending the bulk of my budget stocking up with case-lot sales.

According to the per meal price, my total dinner cost is $103.51. In reality I'm going to be spending less than that, but I like to add the cost of each item that I pull from my food storage. In a sense, I "buy" from my own food storage and set that money aside to stock up later when those items go on sale.

Anyway, this should leave me plenty to buy diapers, re-stock some of my staples and buy a few extras that my family enjoys. Although, I still have to plan carefully for all my purchases if I want to stay under budget
By the way, if you're trying to decipher my code on my menu... LO= leftover

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