Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where have I been?!

I think this has been the longest time between posts since I've started this blog! Don't worry, though, I haven't been slacking. I've been CANNING. Seriously... For an entire week... Feels good to sit down for a minute! Here's what I've been up to:

I've also been bottling:

Tomatillo Salsa
More Peaches
Jalapeno Jelly
Apple Pie Filling
More Pears

I just counted everything up and I've done about 130 jars (and by jars I mean quarts- with the exception of the jelly and the chicken) this last week. I wish I could say I were done... but my garden is still going so I'm sure there will be at the very least a few more batches of tomatoes and maybe some zucchini relish.

The awesome thing? The only thing that I had to purchase for all this bottling were some lids for the jars, chicken (which I got at about $1/lb), and pectin. Everything else came from my garden and my friends. Thanks!

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